In the episode "Reality TV", After Buddy Star announces that it's time for the first challenge, Tony Minestrone and Jack are discussing what it's going to be. Jack assumes that it's going to be a swimsuit competition. Tony responds back to him by implying that he swims in the nude. When I first watched the episode and heard him say this line, I was a little shocked. After he says the line, there's no reaction. The next scene just cuts to Buddy announcing that Kelly will have to be serenaded with a song to win her love. I found it pretty disturbing that he said this line. I couldn't tell if he was joking or if he actually does this. Now, I know this doesn't really matter as the show went off the air years ago and I'm not against people who prefer to swim in the nude, but just outta curiosity,.......did anybody find what Tony said in the episode pretty disturbing? Should the audience have reacted to it? Would he have done it if a swimsuit competition had taken place on the show that he was on? Do you think that if the show had lasted past the 3rd season and he made a second appearance on the show that there would've been a scene where he actually does this?
Please let me know as soon as possible so that my questions will be answered.